Monday, July 14, 2008

EBSQ July Art Challenge

As mentioned in posts previously, I'm a member of the online artist community, EBSQ. As such I'm privy to the participation in member's only monthly art shows sponsored through the site. The themes differs ever month -- for this particular month (July), EBSQ is hosting the theme known as 'Ripped Off': (

I've taken part in this show (offered annually) before, and it's really quite fun. Participating members partner up with one another, selecting a piece within the fellow artist's portfolio from which to copy -- or in other words, 'rip off'. Typically copyright infringement is a monumental no-no in the art world (or any other for that matter) for reasons obvious to everyone -- yet within this particular challenge it's sanctioned and even encouraged, by all involved. And all part of the fun. The actual act of the 'rip off' however, is completely open to individual interpretation. The copying may be blatant and literal, or subtle and loose. It may be one artist attempting to copy only the general 'style' of the other, or perhaps the favored subject matter. Or an artist may choose one particular piece in a portfolio, mimicking it within his or her own personal artistic parameters. Or even a combo of all these approaches -- really, the opportunities are endless with no right or wrong way to go about it.....

Though I stepped in a little late, I'm now officially paired up with two other EBSQ artists -- and have selected the two pieces, one from each portfolio, that I personally intend to 'rip' and how (as they will be doing with mine). I mean to be working on these in the next several days and hope to report progress details here (though photos may unfortunately have to wait until my ailing camera is fixed, or replaced)....

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