Thursday, May 5, 2011

ACEO Group Theme Week Contest, for May

My ACEO painting, "Frida's Flora' (click for auction listing)

Here we have my ACEO entry for the monthly ACEO Group 'Theme Week' Art Contest, the theme for May being 'Flowers'. With a theme such as that (and so suitable for this time of year --- ahhhh, Spring! Finally!), I had to think of a person who surely adored flowers in all their forms and glory just as much as I do. "Frida's Flora' features that ever-inspiring and passionately iconic artist, with flowers in her trademark uniquely-dressed hair....


  1. This is gorgeous! You have included so much detail. Just lovely!
    I wish you a happy rest of this week and a fun upcoming weekend.


  2. Lovely colors in this! Beautifully done.

  3. Thanks Gaby -- I really do love making the ACEOs, but it CAN be a bit of a challenge achieving detail on that wee space. I admit this one took a few attempts before I was satisfied -- and one thing's for sure....I probably need bifocals by now. lol....! ;-) In any case thanks again, Gaby, and have a lovely weekend yourself!

  4. Thanks so much for comment and complement, Valerie -- much appreciated, and please stop over again soon!

  5. beautiful! you're very talented!

  6. Thanks so much for the lovely comment Shayla -- a pleasure...!

  7. ''Patience''- you have absolut ALL MY ADMIRATION!!!!!!!!

  8. It's very sweet of you to say Raluca, thank you very much!
