Friday, October 21, 2011

Nibblefest Art Contest: 'Still Life'....

"Green Pear" for this month's Nibblefest Art Contest (click for auction link)....

My entry for the October 2011 Nibblefest Art Contest (the theme this month being 'Still Life') features a single green pear rendered upon an 'upcycled', 3.5 x 4.5 wooden plaque. In addition to the vintage second-hand frames I tend to hoard (as mentioned in my previous blog entry), I also possess a collection of small wooden plaques that I've acquired second-hand through various means. To prepare these old plaques for painting I sand them and then cover them with overlapping scraps of paper in order to build up and create a new and textured surface upon which to paint (the textured surface lending depth and dimension to my paintings)...

I feel good about giving these old, unwanted items, typically headed for the landfill by the time they cross my path, second life in the creation of original art....


  1. hah I can relate to this, I hoard wooden frames too. I can't pass up a rummage sale without coming home with an armload of them (and anything else I could paint on) with the intention of selling framed art. This year I did actually paint something to go in one of the frames - still have to list it but at least I did something! Plaques are a good idea too...

  2. Glad to hear I'm not the only chronic second-hand frame hoarder, Vicky...! I don't know what it is about them exactly -- I suppose to begin with it's because I'm just partial to things made of wood in general, attracted as I am to trees and able to imagine I feel that once-living tree in any wooden object. But then also, purchasing new frames or framing services is always soooo spendy that it speaks to my frugal nature as well. Why buy new when there are already so many homeless frames in circulation? Well in any case, thanks for the comment, Vicky -- glad that you are making your frame collection work for you -- mine are starting to pile up and take up more than their fair share of space around here....time to move 'em along (if only to make room for more, heh...! ;-)....
