Saturday, January 28, 2012

'29 Faces', the Challenge

Ayala, of Ayala's Art has initiated a terrific art blog challenge for the coming month. Being as that we're in a leap year, with 29 days in February instead of the usual 28, she is instigating a challenge called '29 Faces'. Faces of any kind, size, medium or dimension will be acceptable -- the point being that it works out to a 'face a day' for artists to conceive, create and blog about. And it begins on the 1st.

Well, anyone even remotely familiar with my art can surely infer that I love me some painted Faces, so as it was it certainly felt right up my alley. But also, being as that I have any NUMBER (dozens?) of half-finished projects involving Faces taking up precious studio space around here, I figured I could use this challenge as a springboard for getting back to all those pesky abandoned pieces I started with such enthusiasm, and fiddled with over these years, only to find so bloody difficult buckling down and actually completing already. Therefore I think this will be a great motivator and opportunity for me to tie up what feels like a bunch of mildly annoying loose ends (in addition to creating some new work for February's 'Nibblefest', etc etc).

I shall be tagging my Challenge posts "29 Faces" -- so if you are interested in following my own progress, or jumping into the Challenge yourself, please do...! All are welcome!


  1. Faces are a source of endless fascination. I started my Many Faces of Ennyman blog about two years ago, and have added images almost daily, perhaps 500 of them or more being faces. I will visit here and... will follow here as able.
    Many Faces:

  2. Hey there, that's a great thing to do to help springboard into abandoned (& new) artwork, I have posted the 29 faces button too, should be fun... see ya there :)

  3. Ed, thanks so much for the comment -- and indeed, what is it about Faces? I guess faces and the recognising of them and interpreting expressions and countenances is such a fundamental part of our human experience -- I know for me faces have always been the subject matter I'm most attracted to. In any case I will definitely be checking out your Many Faces of Ennyman project -- 500 is an astonishing number, really fantastic, and congratulations! And again, many thanks...!

  4. Thank you, Shelle -- let's hope it's a good idea, and that I'm not biting off more than I can comfortably chew (though it wouldn't be the first time, lol ;-)). Here's looking forward to crossing paths with you in the Challenge -- love your art and will definitely be on the lookout for your postings!

  5. Yippe, you are playing along too! Can't wait to see your faces.

  6. Thanks, Tracey! I know it will be a fun challenge -- here's looking forward to seeing your's and everyone's...!

  7. OH, this will be fun! Looking forward to seeing all the faces, this will be so good for us all to stretch ourselves a bit!

    Best and Blessings,

  8. Thanks so much, Cherie! Indeed, stretching is VERY good :-) -- and while 29 faces/29 days will be definitely be a stretttttttttch, I figure it ought to make a person nice and flexible by the end of it. Hoping so anyway...!
