Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Day 13 of the '29 Faces' Challenge -- More Heart/Face Valentine Action....

Busy-ish day for me today on this, the 13th Day of the '29 Faces' Challenge (with one even more so expected tomorrow, oy).  That, combined with the fact that it's currently in the wee hours of the morning right now (groan), is strictly  that this be one quick-and-dirty, perfunctory drive-by blog post (to be made up for later)...

With Valentine's Day tomorrow, my project du jour was more home-made, DIY  Valentine' Day cards, featuring my sunny and cheerful anthropomorphic hearts, as from a few posts back.  Hence my Face for 'Day 13'...:

Red Heart Valentine Card ( to have lettering saying 'Be Mine')


  1. Love that "Mona Lisa smile"......
    Happy Valentine's Day,

  2. I love the lighting on the face! Such great color & texture :)

  3. A totally cuddley looking heart :D XXX

  4. This is a perfect card design for Valentine's Day. You are ready to roll for manufacture next year! I predict it will be very popular with high sales volume! ...so says the psychic; on the other hand, you don't have to be a psychic to see this!! ;-)

  5. Thanks so much for the kind words regarding my little Heart fellas, Stephanie, Kaili, BlackPumpkin, Gina and Caryn! And thanks Kaili for mentioning the lighting -- unfortunately the scanning process just didn't pick up the colors and subtlety well here, these really are far more subtly colorful and variegated in person (but isn't that always the case?). And thanks so much to you, Caryn -- your sweet and lovely compliment really made my day..! :-) <3
