Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Day 2 of '29 Faces' Challenge: WIP: Art Journal Page

Work in Progress:  A Page in my Student's Art Journal

Here we have my Face of Day 2 of the '29 Faces May' challenge (with 27 more Faces to go).   A WIP, it's the beginning of what will be a two-page spread in one of my students' art journals.  I am going to go ahead and stop for the night since it's getting late, but with the intention of continuing to make progress on it, and others, the coming days. 

As I've mentioned previously in my blog, I lead a small youth art class, as well as a literature discussion.  One of our ongoing projects for class was putting together DIY art journals, using old, discarded books.  The kids have been working on these intermittently all year, creating entries in their own journals, as well as in each others'.  Now it is my turn to come up with my own personal  entry for each of them  in their journals, here before the classes wrap up -- and so I brought them all home with me to work on this week.  Naturally it occurred to me this morning that I might streamline my Journal Project into my '29 Faces' Project, sort of making both do double duty, so to speak -- handy, yes...?   (As I've said before, I am nothing if not practical, heh....)....

In any case, what I've decided to do with my art student journal project is to create an entry for each pupil based upon a book we've all read together as part of the literature class.  One of the tomes we read this year was 'A Passage to India', by E.M. Forster -- and so for this particular student's art journal above I am creating an entry using that classic as inspiration.  In keeping with the loose style unique to art journals, I haven't really 'planned' my composition in detail -- instead just starting with the figure, a woman who is thus far draped in a blue sari.  We'll see where I take it with the rest of the piece, but am envisioning something overall colorful and rich....

Some of the other books we read this year that I can choose from as inspiration for my other students include:

Great Expectations
Age of Innocence
Babette's Feast
Great Gatsby
Of Mice and Men
Summer of my German Soldier
A Raisin in the Sun
A Streetcar Named Desire
Fahrenheit 451


  1. I just LOVE pieces inspired by literature, and your lady is looking amazing :D XXX

  2. Thank you so much, Gina -- indeed, I love it too....! I adore reading as much as painting -- it's all very much intertwined for me really, so combining the two together is the perfect fit in my book (pun intended, lol!). Thanks again and lovely to hear from you, Gina! :-)

  3. Your ladies look so dreamy and soft. Love them.

  4. Thanks so much, Denthe -- great admirer of your work as well....!
