Friday, June 15, 2012

"Sisters": My Entry for EBSQ's June Show, 'Butterflies and Moths'.....

"Sisters", a painting on a 6 x 8, reclaimed wooden plaque....

This painting, entitled 'Sisters' on a 6 x 8 reclaimed wooden plaque, is my entry for EBSQ's "Butterflies and Moths' exhibit.  It is also a donation I am making to a local silent auction to benefit the group, Young Survival Coalition (YSC), a national organization that serves to support and educate young women with breast cancer.  As a breast cancer survivor myself, I found our local affiliate of the YSC to be enormously helpful when I needed it, and even though my own treatment is well behind me, I've made many lasting friendships through the group so I am happy to lend my support for the cause.   Combining the idea of 'Sisters', as related to the YSC, and 'Moths', as related to the EBSQ show, this was the idea that came to mind....a beautiful Luna moth, and her namesake, Luna, the Moon.......  


  1. beautiful! the artwork and the sentiments behind the work. i never knew there was a "Luna" moth! that makes it even more meaningful.

  2. Gorgeous work and a beautiful sentiment. Really marvelous.
    Lovely greet and nice weekend

  3. Rebeca! How lovely to hear from you again! Thanks so much for the comment -- and yes indeedy, there is a 'Luna' moth, and what a beautiful one it is too, with it's elegant shape and size, and pale green color. Mind, I've never been lucky enough to see one alive in the wild myself (not yet anyway ;-)), though it's definitely on my Bucket List. I always keep my eyes peeled -- what a thrill that would be, I'm sure I'd hardly know what to do with myself ;-). Another moth I consider second in beauty to the Luna is the Cecropia Moth, which I'm also intending to paint one of these days (and which I have fortunately been so lucky as to have seen in person. Once. :-)). Such elusive creatures! -- but lovely subject matter. ;-) In any case, thanks again, Rebeca!

  4. Marja, welcome to my blog -- it's a pleasure to meet you and I so appreciate your comment and the kind words! I'm now following your blogs -- here's looking forward to reading your updates, and a lovely weekend to you too :-)
