Sunday, July 29, 2012

Results for July's NIbblefest: "Winged Strings" Ties for 2nd Place.....

My entry, "Winged Strings": 2nd Place Nibblefest Art Contest Tie.....

Results are in, and I was thrilled to see that "Winged Strings" ended up tying for 2nd Place in July's Nibblefest Art Contest!  Very cool.  Funny also how too often the themes I seem to drag my feet most about, as I found myself doing with this month's "Fairies", and all because I didn't think I was particularly inspired...., turn out when all is said and done to be pieces I'm really quite partial to in the end.  Typical!

In any case, yet another Nibblefest Art Contest under my belt -- now here's looking forward to next months' Fest (already in 3 short weeks!), when the theme for August is to be "Coffee" (and nope, no real handle (heh, potential pun perhaps?) on a concept for that one yet.  Hmmm, any ideas...???).  Hope to see you on the 20th....!

For all contest results for July's "Fairies", check out the Nibblefest blog....


  1. woo! hoo! congrats! i can see why this is a favorite, beautiful piece.

  2. Thanks so much for the kind comment, Rebeca -- lovely to hear from you as always, and I really appreciate it...!
