Friday, December 14, 2007

Papier Mache Boar's Head

Ha. In contrast to the previous post ("The Un-turkey)", here we have yet another lovely centerpiece dish -- because what holiday meal would be complete without the requisite, celebratory Boar's Head (complete with apple in its mouth)?

Only in this case, no porcine's were harmed in the making of this head -- only newspapers (created upon request for a local Medieval feast reenactment).... ....

Thursday, December 13, 2007

T-giving Unturkey

Finally getting around to uploading this, from this past Thanksgiving....

In any case, we're an all vegetarian family, all four of us -- so what's such a family to do for that elusive Thanksgiving centerpiece, 'ooh-ahh', show-stopper dish, when turkey is just NOT an option?

Why, make an "Un-turkey" of course.

I've been making this annually for Thanksgiving for the last 15 or so years - a lovely savory dish, and beautiful to look at. It's hard to tell from the photo, but it's really quite sizable (sitting there on my special holiday platter). Inside, tucked within the puff pastry outer crust, are layers of sliced seitan and traditional-but-veg stuffing, all slathered with gravy. Isn't it lovely? Delicious too. And a lot of work, but worth it of course because my family just adores it....

Saturday, December 8, 2007

'A Single Sprig of Lavender'

Well well. Finally, some actual art for my so-called 'art journal'....

Here we have one of my entries for this month's EBSQ online art show, known as 'The Late Show' (

This particular theme (Late Show) is intended for all the art projects that may have been initiated (or not) during a particular year for any of the previous 11 monthly shows, but which were not finished in time, for whatever reason. It's like being given a second chance to finish up or even start projects. And really, who can't use extra time?

Except in the case of the above painting that is. It actually WAS completed in time for 'The Lavender Show', back in August-- only when I attempted to upload/enter it into the show the evening of the deadline way back when? I'd forgotten to take in account 'Eastern Standard Time'. Since I'm on 'Central', the fact that it was just before midnight for me here meant it was actually AFTER midnight on the east coast, where the site is based. Thus technically I missed the deadline. Drat! Oh well, I suppose that is what one gets when one tries to squeak in too close under the wire, no? At least the Late Show is offered every year in December -- for these very sorts of occasions....

Saturday, December 1, 2007

Garden Bounty

Fond memories on a wintry day....

While we are on the topic of gardening (as per my previous post at any rate), here's another random peek at the bounty I had the privilege to experience (as well as to deal with, oy) sorted and grouped upon my kitchen table after the last season's harvest this past fall (I believe it frosted the very following day these were picked)....

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Doing the Can-Can

Aha!! Off topic already -- and yet Canning is an 'art', no?

Home-canned sauce, from this past fall's 'maters....

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

The 'Heart' of Patience

As far back as I can remember, art has been my primary mode for creative expression, from the first time I reached into my childhood home's big coffee can of broken crayons, to now. The written word does take second place however, and it is here with this journal I'm hoping to perhaps combine the two disciplines -- documenting my various art projects, through writing....

I confess organization has never been my strongest trait, and effective time management gets away from me more often than not. With an art journal however, perhaps I can create a small tool for myself -- one that may help me shape and organize my meandering experiments in creativity, while corralling the flow of project ideas and impulses I seem forever able to conjure up (with all the best of intentions), but not always make materialize ....

(P.S: And indeed, while this is intended as an artist's diary? Don't be too surprised if it lurches off-topic from time to time. And rather sporadically at that....)

Sunday, November 11, 2007