Thursday, July 31, 2008

RIP's Entered...

Woah, I made it! Perhaps a little close for comfort, but at least I did manage to finish and upload my entries by the EBSQ "Ripped Off' show deadline. Unfortunately, I was forced to rush the finishing of my pieces a bit in order to get them completed -- let's just say, I MUCH prefer to take the more leisurely approach when it comes to painting, but time was very much of the essence in this case. Likely I will feel compelled to go back and tweak/embellish both pieces a bit for my satisfaction -- at least I properly participated in this fun show though, and got everything entered just in the nick of time....


(bas relief sculpture, approximately 9 x 12, frame incorporated) My take on Loredana Mariotto's 'Robin Bird in the Snow":
(small bas relief sculpture, approximately 6 x 8, frame incorporated) My take on Muriel Areno's 'Kris Jean's Girls':

Yay! As you can see, my little camera is home again, and back in working order...!

The above are WIP photos of my entries for EBSQ's' 'Ripped Off' show. They need to be uploaded by tonight's deadline, and they are still not yet painted (eek!). Been a bit busy around here (even these photos were taken in a rush)....

At the VERY least, in a pinch, if I don't get them 'officially' done in the next few hours? They could still be technically uploaded as is (even if they aren't actually 'completed').....

Friday, July 25, 2008

Camera Surgery

What a nuisance to have my camera out of commission. On the other hand, after a little online research, we found out that apparently the problem is due to a defect in Canon Powershot cameras -- with Canon issuing a recall and offering to fix the cameras, at no charge (and reasonably so). Shipping included. I sent my camera off to Canon yesterday. Who knows when I'll get it back -- whenever it is, I'm sure hoping the problem is all remedied....

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Weather Bound

Sheesh, such a dramatic turn in the weather. After the sweaty steam-bath inferno earlier this week, the dew point plunged overnight -- it truly couldn't possibly be more pleasant at the moment summer-wise. Needless to say, these are perfect papier mache conditions (as well as hanging laundry-on-the-line conditions, both of which I fully intend to do today)....

I woke up this morning with all sort of extremely vivid concepts in my head for altering those ridiculous broken barbies I found when cleaning as mentioned in a previous post -- ideas including, but not limited to: bas relief/paper clay/tons of texture/vignettes/and a reinterpretation of late 18th century costume (???). Whatever the case, the pictures in my barely-conscious mind were really fabulous -- yet already this morning the images are fading dangerously. Perhaps I ought to sketch out a few before I lose the images entirely (or my enthusiasm, for that matter).

At least my entries for EBSQ's 'Ripped Off' are humming along -- I'm actually hoping to have them mostly completed by today (that is unless we decided to drop everything and spend the whole day outside somewhere enjoying the Weather. Not such a bad idea either....).

I've also been preparing a lot of 'supports' for future bas relief-style projects -- once these are finished I'll have quite the pile of them ready and waiting to work with.

Monday, July 21, 2008

Crockpot Plot

After several days, my pieces for the 'Ripped Off' show are STILL not dry. Not surprising really, since I've learned through painful experience just how our typical Midwest summer weather can have its affects on papier mache. In winter, when it's a deep freeze out there and the furnace is running nonstop and the air is so parched, things can often cure thoroughly within hours. But summer? It's a whole n'other story (le sigh)....

Turning on our air conditioner would likely help, but I'm such a stickler about that (much to my kids' consternation). I just can't personally stand A.C. -- can't abide the cost nor the emissions nor especially how it makes me feel so cooped up indoors, almost claustrophobic. I miss the open windows --miss hearing the birds outside, and the summer breezes gently blowing the curtains, the barking dogs and the neighborhood kids whooping and hollering, plus just stepping in and out of the house at will all day long, because it's no hotter outdoors than it is indoors. I mean, what's the point of being stuck inside a dim, quiet, shut-up house while summer passes by just beyond the window pane? Guess I'd rather sweat to death (if that makes any sense). Therefore, we run the a.c. as little as possible around here-- firing it up only once a summer, just to maintain its working order. And no, it's just not that time yet (bound to be even hotter next month)....

Getting back to my projects however, I really can't move on to the next step until these dry a bit more thoroughly. So I'm trying an experiment --to see if my kitchen crockpot, of all things, will help evaporate some of the moisture. I've heard of this before somewhere -- let's see if it actually works**. One of my pieces is small and fits right inside, while the other is able to hang over the top. Perhaps in a few hours they'll be cured enough for me to continue work on them (and if not I'll just throw in some dinner and that will be that)....

(**Edited to add: Indeed. It works!)

Friday, July 18, 2008

Dry Try

I worked on my projects for the EBSQ 'Ripped Off' show today and actually made some progress. Very glad to finally have a solid start on them -- so far so good. Now, I need only for what I've completed to this point to dry -- no small order though with the super-saturated humid summer weather at the moment around here. Papier Mache dries so excruciatingly slowly under these conditions -- if at all (twiddling thumbs). Quite painful at times, but in any case, as mentioned, the approach I'm taking for the ripping of both projects is ...(drum roll)... papier mache (surprise, suprise) . Specifically bas relief style, as it's something I've been experimenting with for about a year now and am still wanting to work through. As for the artists I'm ripping, one is Loredana Mariotto ( and the other Muriel Areno ( .

If my camera were working I'd post WIP photos -- but it starting gradually going whack ever since our return from vacation over a month ago, to the point that it's completely unusable now. Very inconvenient, that....

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Ripped Off '08

Well, well. One of the EBSQ artists I'm paired up with, Loredana Mariotto, has *already* completed a 'rip' of mine for the July online show (and here while I've barely started on my own, oops). Actually, she managed to copy several pieces of mine (my painting, 'From the Wings', in addition to 3 papier mache masks) incorporating them all into one very lovely painting with a new spin she's titled, 'Whispers Only'. I adore the concept and the painting she's produced, am very flattered --and hope only that I might give as much grace to one of her pieces as she has mine (thanks, Loredana):

Monday, July 14, 2008

EBSQ July Art Challenge

As mentioned in posts previously, I'm a member of the online artist community, EBSQ. As such I'm privy to the participation in member's only monthly art shows sponsored through the site. The themes differs ever month -- for this particular month (July), EBSQ is hosting the theme known as 'Ripped Off': (

I've taken part in this show (offered annually) before, and it's really quite fun. Participating members partner up with one another, selecting a piece within the fellow artist's portfolio from which to copy -- or in other words, 'rip off'. Typically copyright infringement is a monumental no-no in the art world (or any other for that matter) for reasons obvious to everyone -- yet within this particular challenge it's sanctioned and even encouraged, by all involved. And all part of the fun. The actual act of the 'rip off' however, is completely open to individual interpretation. The copying may be blatant and literal, or subtle and loose. It may be one artist attempting to copy only the general 'style' of the other, or perhaps the favored subject matter. Or an artist may choose one particular piece in a portfolio, mimicking it within his or her own personal artistic parameters. Or even a combo of all these approaches -- really, the opportunities are endless with no right or wrong way to go about it.....

Though I stepped in a little late, I'm now officially paired up with two other EBSQ artists -- and have selected the two pieces, one from each portfolio, that I personally intend to 'rip' and how (as they will be doing with mine). I mean to be working on these in the next several days and hope to report progress details here (though photos may unfortunately have to wait until my ailing camera is fixed, or replaced)....