Wednesday, March 17, 2010

I'm a Winner...!

Hooray! So very excited -- I've been privileged to win, by random selection, a prize in the new Ehag's Emporium recent blog giveaway....!

I will be sent a little Halloween Box, in the shape of a sculpted black cat, by the artist Candy, of Howling Moon Designs. It can be seen here.

Thanks so much, Candy...!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Nutcracker '09 Projects

Nutcracker Ballet 'Soldier' and 'Rat' Stick Masks

I did still manage to take on a few fun commissions during the course of my treatments -- here we have my completed projects for this past year's local Nutcracker Ballet production: 5 papier mache Stick Masks (2 Solider and 3 Rat) ...

Saturday, March 6, 2010

My Cancer Year.....

So..., a long overdue update....

It's been over a year since I've last posted in this, my lonely, near-abandoned art journal. And indeed, what a year it's been too. It was almost just about this time last year when I first received my personally startling diagnosis of Stage II Breast Cancer.

Well, suffice it to say, while I can't exactly claim it's necessarily been the easiest thing in the world to deal with, I haven't been devastated by it either, not by a long stretch -- willing as I've been to simply take each and every day and its challenges as they come, one at a time. And always along with the love and encouragement of my super network of ever-supportive family and friends, plus a wonderful team of health care professionals, backing me up. I may have had Cancer, but it never had me....

Still, a lot of my typical activities, pursuits and interests were put aside these last many months, simmering on the back burner as it were, as I focused on my health. However now with several surgeries and aggressive chemotherapy under my belt, plus the nearing of the end of a few months of radiation treatments, I'm happy to report my overall prognosis is quite good and I am at peace -- here as I find myself ready and willing to soon kiss my Cancer Year goodbye, and get back to my regularly scheduled Life* and good health....

(*...which naturally includes my artistic life as well -- Huzzah...! :-)

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Jumping on the Bandwagon.....

Just for fun... a new 'Art of Patience' Facebook page:
