Monday, May 17, 2010

Big WIP...

Large-Scale Paper Mache Commission (top half still wet from today's paper layering)

My Mystery Project in progress -- been quite busy with it lately, and, as you can compare from the last progress photo I posted a few weeks ago, it's coming right along.....

Sunday, May 16, 2010

ACEO May TW Nomination

ACEO Theme Week: "Jack-in-the-Pulpit"

Another of my entries into this month's Ebay ACEO Group's Theme Week art contest, that began back on May 1st, the theme being 'Wildflowers'. Jack in the Pulpit are among my most favorite of the woodland wildflowers, and here we see the supercilious 'Jack' as he assembles his forest congregation, and they all give him their full attention while he addresses them from his lofty 'bully-pulpit'...

I was most delighted to have found out this morning that 'Jack-in-the-Pulpit' has been nominated for this month's "People's Choice" Award (linked here for any who may be members) -- fun times indeed, and many thanks to any and all who may have nominated me...!

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Art Chicago

Sculpture (in paper) by Kirstin Hassenfeld

Mixed Media on Cigar Boxes by Ed Masante

I'm a little late in reporting this, but last Sunday found me back again in Chicago for the day -- this time to take in the big annual international art fair hosted there, Art Chicago . It was my second time attending, and what a fabulous show -- it must be one of the most extensive and comprehensive gatherings featuring contemporary paintings and sculpture around. It seemed especially good this year to me -- such variety and diversity in the collections. I went with two friends, and we saw and learned so much. I took the above two photos during the show -- working with paper as I do myself, I was attracted to the paper sculpture of Kirsten Hassenfeld. And being recycling-minded as I am, I also appreciated the alternative canvas used by Ed Masante -- clever use of cigar boxes I thought (not to mention I love the bird paintings rendered upon them)...

In any case, attending the show was so much fun -- I'd recommend it to anyone. And here's looking very much forward to going again next year...

Monday, May 3, 2010

ACEO May 'Theme Week': "Wildflowers"

"A Trio of Trillium"
(click for auction)

It's been busy around here, but I managed to squeeze in a few entries into this month's ACEO Theme Week (starting on May 1). Well, with a theme like "Wildflowers", how could I possibly resist....?

I've always adored all flowers, but have a particular soft spot for the wild and native ones. I've planted a number of native varieties in my yard, both sun and shade loving -- including Prairie Trillium, which I have nurtured in my shaded, 'woodland' style garden for many years. A real Beauty, it's blooming for me finally -- a true achievement, for as I understand, it takes a full seven years of maturity before setting it's first blossom!