Thursday, October 28, 2010

Dali's Mustache


ACEO: Mustache of Salvadore Dali
(click for auction)

One of three ACEO entries by me for this week's ACEO Enthusiasts Challenge on ebay, the theme for the week being 'Mustache'.....

When reflecting upon the concept of 'Mustache' for this challenge, three particularly famous mustaches of three particularly famous creatives immediately sprang to mind. This particular ACEO features the mustache of the indomitable surrealist Salvador Dali.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Nibblefest Art Contest: "Owl Moon"


ACEO: 'Owl Moon'
(click for auction linky)

Yes, it's that time of the month again -- for the Nibblefest Art Contest on Ebay that is. This month's theme was, suitably, 'Owls'.....

Having always been rather partial to owls (and our feathered friends in general), with their appealing features and mysterious nocturnal habits, I was looking forward to participating this month, and was pleased when these wee entries just sort of painted themselves. Here I tried to channel the owl I think I occasionally hear in my neighborhood somewhere nearby in the evenings (this despite living in an urban area smack in the middle of town)....

Saturday, October 23, 2010

ACEO SEHA October Theme: 'Witch Girl'


ACEO: 'Witch Girl'
(click for auction link)

Another of my three entries into this month's SEHA (Society of Eclectic Halloween Artists) Monthly Theme, the theme being 'Trick-or-Treat'. Growing up, without a doubt my favorite costume of all was 'witch'. I remember the chewed up old black and flowing choir robe we'd somehow acquired that made the most wonderful 'witch dress' -- that, combined with a hopelessly ratty and ancient long-haired wig, a broom, and a green rubber mask that I'd picked at the dime store up along the way (a little nod to that green mask with the skin tone here -- never mind it was seriously hot and sweaty under there and difficult to breath), I felt perfectly and fabulously Witchy-Poo, and ready to Trick-or-Treat with the best of 'em. Ah, the memories!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

A Little Halloween Cheer....

ACEO: "Black Cat"
(click for auction link)

I have always adored this time of year. The month of October with its crisp weather and seasonal transitions never fails to perk me up. Never mind that it also means frosty mornings and shorter days and that old man Winter is right around the corner -- nah, never mind that! Instead, I prefer to focus on the apples, the pumpkins, the leaves, the colors, the cider, the glittery, blue-sky sunlight PLUS that indescribable Autumny 'feeling' in the air that makes this season so special....

Not to mention the annual festive fun that is Halloween to look forward to (and in already less than two weeks!). It's often easy, amid the general busy-ness that is Fall around here, for it to sneak up on me, Halloween -- happily there are groups like SEHA (Society of Eclectic Halloween Artists) to add to the inspiration. The SEHA Theme Challenge this month (the most fitting month of all of course) was 'Trick or Treat', and as such I was able to come up with and list several ACEO entries, the above included. Happy Halloween!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

So it's Been Awhile....

...but I'm still here...!

In any case, as usual, much going on Chez Patience -- still however I did manage to find the chance to squeeze in a little painting for the ACEO Group's monthly Theme Week contest on Ebay, the theme for October being 'Autumn Leaves'. Well, what with Autumn being my favorite season and all I could hardly let this one pass me by -- so the following is my contest entry:

"Autumn Sprite ACEO"
(click here for auction link)

For those not in the know: Aceo's (or Art Cards, Editions and Originals) are small works of art that always come 2.5" x 3.5" (the same size as standard sports trading cards). Aceo's are fun to gather and trade and make lovely gifts. They allow for the collecting of original artwork to be accessible and affordable to anyone......

It's suppose it is kind of funny that my art lately seems to be running the gamut anywhere from 10 foot tall sculptures, to wee paintings a mere few inches by a few inches -- but there you go. Can't say I don't care for variety at any rate...! ;-)