ACEO: 'Welcome to Narnia' (click for auction link)My entry for this month's ACEO Theme Week Art Contest, the theme for April being 'Doorways'. It's titled 'Welcome to Narnia', and features that magical old Wardrobe, with wee, little 'doors' that actually 'open' to reveal the white, wintry world of Narnia beyond...!:

Behold, Narnia -- Complete With Beckoning Lamppost...!
I was a hopeless bookworm as a child. There was little I adored more than devouring tall stacks of books checked out from the library, reading for hours at a strestch in pleasant, peaceful solitude (often in my own treehouse). As such I can well recall plowing through the "Chronicles of Narnia" series, by C.S. Lewis, in pretty short order, somewhere around the 6th grade. 'The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe' was my favorite -- with the idea of the old cupboard in the big rambling house offering a portal into a fantastical land of talking animals, a wicked ice queen, and perpetual Winter (and yes, I have seen the films -- but still prefer the books!) piquing my youthful imagination. I suppose that's why the idea for this entry popped into my head as it did, and turned out to be so effortless to execute (even though ACEO's can be pretty small to work with ;-). In any case, I was very glad I managed to participate in the ACEO Theme Week contest this time around -- since I got busy and missed last month's TW deadline (Theme Week always beginning the first of every month)....