Monday, March 25, 2013

"Aretha's Mockingbird", my March Nibblefest entry and tribute to Aretha Franklin

Today, March 25th, marks a very special anniversary.  It's Aretha Franklin's 71st birthday today --  Happy Birthday, Ms. Aretha F....!

View from the side showing painted edges

It also just happens to be Nibblefest Art Contest week (which started 5 days ago, on the 20th).  The theme this month is 'Nursery Rhymes', with the above painting, a little tribute to the venerable Aretha Franklin, Queen of Soul, as my March entry.  So how did I manage to tie Aretha Franklin into a theme like 'Nursery Rhymes'......?  The following is my auction description:


"Aretha's Mockingbird"

My entry for this month's Nibblefest Art Contest (NFAC) (~the theme for March being 'Nursery Rhymes') is a 5-Day auction for an original acrylic painting on an 8.5 x 5 wooden plaque, with painted sides.   "Aretha's Mockingbird"  features a tribute portrait of the singer Aretha Franklin, and is signed and ready to hang.  

"Aretha's Mockingbird", an 8.5 x 5 painted wood plaque

Regular bidders know I often look toward musical influences for inspiration when casting about for my monthly Nibblefest theme ideas.  Reflecting upon 'Nursery Rhymes' this month had me recalling the favorites of my children, which I must have repeated a thousand times over to them through the years at naps and bedtime.  My daughter's favorite was "Hush Li'l Baby" (which she referred to as "Mockybird").  

"Hush, little baby, don't say a word.
Mama's gonna buy you a mockingbird."

And now I have a confession to make.  Sadly, I've no talent for singing.  Lacking range, vocal strength or tone, I nonetheless never let that keep me from performing a veritable concert every night for my appreciative children when tucking them into bed. I gave it my best, but still I always had a secret longing for the beautiful singing voice I never had.  Which brings me to...Aretha Franklin.  Now there's a woman who can sing (and how!).  Aretha covered "The Mockingbird Song" back in 1965 -- to be sure a jazzed up version of the rhyme I sang to my kids, but still clearly based on the old folk original.  My entry this month is a 60's-era portrait of Aretha Franklin, a tribute to our reigning 'Queen of Soul'.....


 To see ALL the great 'Mushroom'-themed Nibblefest Art Contest entries this month
(with each starting at just .99 cents!),
just click here....