Monday, July 7, 2014

My entry for the EBSQ June 'Fern' Show: "Dylan Thomas - Fern Hill"

 "Dylan Thomas - Fern Hill"

Original acrylic painting on an 6.5 x 8.5 Oval plaque

It's been a long while since I've entered an EBSQ, Self Representing Artists online show...., but, ready as I am to get back into a painting routine, I decided to make a point of coming up with something for the June '14 EBSQ  'Ferns'-themed art exhibit.  As mentioned numerous times on this blog, I do enjoy using literature, music and poetry as inspiration, often incorporating whatever literary references that pop into my head as jumping off points when it comes to artistic themes.  One of the first things to come to mind when thinking about the subject of 'Ferns', was the title of a much beloved 1945 Dylan Thomas poem, called 'Fern Hill'.  And so, for fun, I painted a tribute portrait of the prolific Welshman in his younger days, before the years of hard drinking and hard living really took it's toll upon his looks and health.....

To see my Dylan Thomas 'Fern' exhibit entry page on EBSQ,  

To see *ALL* of the 'Fern' EBSQ exhibit entries, 

**** UPDATE (7/9/14):  This piece won "Member's Choice" (AKA 1st Place!) in the EBSQ 'Ferns' exhibit!  Thanks, EBSQ! ****


"Dylan Thomas - Fern Hill"