Saturday, April 25, 2015

"Cosmic Pool Party": My entry for NFAC theme, "SPACE/PLANETS/STARS"

It's Nibblefest week, 
once again....!

April's theme:  


"Cosmic Pool Party":  9.5 x 7.5 acrylic on wrapped canvas

I confess.  
I came dangerously close to missing the Nibblefest Art Contest entirely this month.  Dangerously!  

It wasn't because I didn't care for the 'Space/Planets/Stars' theme -- I actually did like it, since I often find myself painting suns and moons and stars (typically anthropomorphic ones), and figured that could easily be my fall-back if nothing else came to mind.  But the days were flying by, and the 20th looming, yet I still just couldn't seem to quite get myself started.  I was chatting with an online artist friend who also participates in the contest, and she suggested Carl Sagan.  Hmmm, always a soft spot for Mr. Sagan and his "Billions and billions of stars" quote (which it turns out he never even actually said, despite being so famous for it!).  My wheels started turning, and yet....  still I found myself getting caught up in other things here at home, with time slipping away.  Then another online friend suggested a Spock tribute in light of Leonard Nimoy's recent passing.  That idea had me trying to put the two men together in one painting somehow.  Next thing I know, this whole concept popped into mind, on what was only like the day before the contest officially started.  A concept which actually turned out to be pretty darn complicated to execute indeed, oops -- so thank goodness for the 3-Day Nibblefest option...!   Though I generally try to avoid it, I have entered the contest late with a 5-Day auction in the past (as recently as last month even), but this is my first ever  3-Day.  At least there are alternatives for the time-management impaired amongst us....!

Side View, showing the painted edges:

I'm also very grateful to a few online art friends for encouraging me to paint an entry this month when I was so on the fence about it and finding myself very much tempted to simply blow it off altogether.   Thanks, guys...!

"Cosmic Pool Party" -- 'Too cool for you, fool...!' ;-)

*To see all the fabulous 'SPACE/PLANETS/STARS'-themed Nibblefest entries, click here....*



Happy to say my "Cosmic Pool Party" tied for 2nd Place in April's Contest -- thanks to all my bidders.....!

"Cosmic Pool Party" ties for 2nd Place....