Wednesday, June 24, 2015

"Dali's 'Stache", My Nibblefest Contest Entry for June's "SURREALISM"

"Dali's 'Stache", My 5x7 June Nibblefest Art Contest Entry

It's June.  Summer is upon us!  And a lovely one so far it is too, which I have been very much enjoying.  Busy to be sure however (very!) -- so much so in fact, that I found myself skipping last month's Nibblefest Art Contest.  Ugh.  With everything else going on around here, I just wasn't quite able to get my act together enough to pull an entry out of my hat, despite May's interesting "Freak Show" theme.  I really dislike skipping the contest (because I know how that can be a dangerously slippery slope!), and so it served to make me especially determined to have something ready for THIS month's "Surrealism" theme.  Thus, we have my June entry:

Recognize this guy....????  (The Eyes Have It!!)

When considering the theme "Surrealism", what pops into your mind...?  For me, I myself couldn't help but think of one of the Surrealist movement's favorite sons (or not, depending with whom you talk), the late/great Salvador Dali.  Dali was probably (in)famously known as much for his side-show hijinks as for his art -- heck, even his mustache had it's very own book...!   

Well, as creative as Dali got with his 'stache, grooming it into ever more outlandish shapes (someone wrote and told me it took him 15 years to train his moustache to grow upwards) even he never took it quite this far (so I did it for him...!).

Painted on all sides of an old, found wood plaque

My auction description...:

~"Dali's 'Stache"~

My entry for this month's Nibblefest Art Contest (NFAC),  the theme for June being 'SURREALISM', features a portrait painted in tribute to a certain late, well-known painter of the Surrealist genre.  Some may recall how Salvador Dali often liked to creatively groom his long, handlebar mustache into interesting silhouettes -- I just had fun imagining what it might have been like to take that particular personal predilection of his to the next level...... 

Painted upon a found, 5 x 7 wood plaque, this original, "Dali's 'Stache", is signed and ready to hang (with the back of the plaque having a small nail hole)......


*To see all the fabulous 'SURREALISM'-themed Nibblefest entries, click here....*


Happy to say my entry tied for 2nd Place in the contest this month!  A big thanks to all my bidders....!

"Dali's 'Stache" ties for 2nd Place Award...!