Saturday, March 24, 2012

I Won A Blog Giveaway....!

Just a little shout out of thanks over to Melissa B., money-saving and debt-reduction blogger of "Mom's Plans".   I've been following Melissa's blog for some time now -- she and her spouse had incurred substantial debt via student loans/credit cards, but successfully turned that ship around and are now working aggressively toward becoming debt-free.  And while they still have some ways to go, they've made great strides in a short time and are so committed in their repayment efforts I've no doubt they'll reach their financial goals. In any case, I do get a kick out of entering blog giveaways when I stumble across them, but of course rarely (if ever?) win -- so what a hoot....!  (Plus a nice little 'cheer-me-up' after a sad week having lost our little dog.)  And so just what prize exactly was it that I won, pray tell....?   Apparently 4 dozen bars of a snack item from a company called 'Vitalicious'  (the original giveaway post on 'Mom's Plans' here) -- how cool is that...???  I've requested they actually be sent to my teen son, who, as I've written previously, is away studying hard at ballet school -- thinking they'll make a good snack for him to grab and go, and I know he'll appreciate the treat.  So thanks again for hosting the lovely giveaway, Melissa/'Mom's Plans' -- fun times indeed....!


  1. Congrats on your win and hooray for working their way out of debt. We now are out of debt with no bills and feel very good about it. Not even a house payment anymore and thank the Lord for his help in showing us the way. Have a great weekend.

  2. You may be the first person I've heard who's one of the frequent online giveaways--so you are a very lucky person indeed! I'm sorry about your little friend, it's always so hard when they depart this life...Hope all else is going well for you, besides your big win, of course! ;^)

  3. Thanks so much Gloria, always lovely to hear from you and kudos for being debt free....! That is a great accomplishment -- we ourselves are almost there...just another year or two on our 15 year mortgage is all that's left, and we're soooo close to paying it off early. In any case, indeed it really is great peace of mind not to have debt hanging over one's head. Not that it's necessarily always been easy-peasy -- for us it's meant driving older vehicles, shopping with care, finding the cheaper alternative over the years and not having the latest and greatest in everything all the time ;-) . But, I'm not the high-maintenance sort anyway, so voluntary simplicity as a lifestyle choice has always felt like the right fit :-) . And it's not like we don't still have plenty of work ahead of us -- probably don't have all the $$ socked away for future retirement that we optimally ought to by now, so that's something to think about (though hopefully that should be easier to once out house is paid off). Anyway, thanks again and a great weekend to you too, Gloria...!

  4. Drat, I did put a "won, one" in teh above comment but it didn't come out in the wash--I hate when that happens!

  5. Hi Caryn! A pleasure hearing from you, thanks so much for the comment! And ha, no worries whatsoever, I knew exactly what you were saying tee hee :-). As for the blog giveaway -- indeed, I'm tickled pink to have actually won something, for once lol! It will be fun to be able to surprise my son with these goodies :-)

    Thanks also for the condolences regarding our little sweet dog, Caryn. Sigh, it really was rather rough going this past week -- missing her terribly still, though I'm glad to say it does seem to be getting a little easier with each day. In any case, the little dickens do have their way of capturing our hearts, making it so hard to let them go -- but really, when it comes down to it, we wouldn't want it any other way <3 . So thanks again, Caryn -- all my best to you...! :-)
