Monday, August 11, 2008


This resembles a whole lotta nothin', doesn't it?

Definitely not much to look at this point -- although it's actually the framing (9" x 5" x 13") from the dead radio found in my basement when cleaning (as aforementioned in a previous post), and from which I'm hoping to give second life as some sort of cool and utterly fascinating shadowbox-ish thingie, mmm-hmmm (crosses fingers)....

A few weeks ago I finished cleaning up the framing and fleshing out all sides a bit with leftover thin shavings of wood (salvaged from a recent wood working project of my husband's). Currently it's getting the preliminary papier mache treatment. Wish I could have taken a photo prior to all the prep work (talk about 'making something from nothing' -s- doesn't get much more 'nothing' than what it was to start with), but my camera was broken until recently so this has to do as the 'before' picture....

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