As stated in my previous journal entry, I entered three pieces into this month's
Nibblefest Art Contest, the theme being 'Winter Wonderland'. This is the second one of the three....
http://cgi.ebay.com/NFAC-Lost-Cockatiel-Original-Painting-by-PATIENCE_W0QQitemZ150322310333QQcmdZViewItemQQptZArt_Paintings?hash=item150322310333&_trksid=p3286.c0.m14&_trkparms=72%3A1205|66%3A2|65%3A12|39%3A1|240%3A1318|301%3A0|293%3A1|294%3A50A little background information here...
I have a much adored pet
cockatiel, that I'm very attached to. He's been my faithful and loyal companion for the better part of 20 years, and is utterly devoted to me. Plus he's never been a lick of trouble, except twice, when he managed to escape. On two separate occasions the little stinker got out and actually flew around town for nearly a week before I was lucky enough to have him returned. The second time was during the month of January no less -- needless to say what a disaster that could have potentially turned out to be. It goes without saying that little Australian desert birds were not intended for the subzero conditions of a typical Midwestern January. Fortunately, by the
capricious nature of fate, the weather that week was relatively mild -- above freezing temps, and no snow (thank goodness). Little bird came home safe and sound. Still, I can't help but think sometimes how different things might have turned out if the weather had decided to be more 'normal' that week (like it is now,
As such, this little painting is a tribute to my little guy and his most excellent adventure (and to happy endings)....