Saturday, May 21, 2011

Nibblefest Art Contest (NFAC): 'City Music'

My NFAC aceo entry, 'City Music'....(clicky)

The 20th of the month was several days ago, and that can only mean one thing...: The Nibblefest Art Contest!

It's amazing just how quickly this monthly event can roll around, and May was no exception. Although I can't really say the contest sneaked (snuck?) up on me this time (as usually happens), since I was fully aware of the loooooming deadline. It wasn't so much 'sneaky' this time around, as much as it was 'tricksy'. The theme for this month, 'Village or Townscape', really had me dragging my feet for the longest time. I just didn't think I was particularly inspired (blah), and in fact was rather tempted to possibly just sit this one out. That is, until I finally forced myself to settle down at the 11th hour and come up with Something, when to my surprise an idea just sort of painted itself as I reflected upon town/city life.....

The following is my listing description:

"This ACEO entry for May's Nibblefest Art Contest (NFAC) (the theme being 'Village or Townscape') features a busker on a bridge, with the view of a cityscape behind her.....

Having lived in the megalopolis of Chicago for several years, one of the things I remember fondly about city life were the snatches of music I would encounter in the subway or on the sidewalks by the buskers -- those street musicians known for setting up little corners for themselves and performing for donations by passersby. The music was always something I could appreciate, especially upon negotiating my way home from a long day of work downtown -- and I always tried to give a little something in return, if even only a few pieces of change from deep within my pockets....".

Friday, May 13, 2011

ACEO, "Bossy Blossom", Nomination for 'Most Unique' Award

"Bossy Blossom"

It was a nice surprise to learn that the second of my two ACEO entries into this month's ACEO Group 'Theme Week' art contest, the theme for May being 'Flowers', has been nominated by my peers for the 'Most Unique' award! Good luck to all my fellow is happening now -- Fingers crossed!

Thursday, May 5, 2011

ACEO Group Theme Week Contest, for May

My ACEO painting, "Frida's Flora' (click for auction listing)

Here we have my ACEO entry for the monthly ACEO Group 'Theme Week' Art Contest, the theme for May being 'Flowers'. With a theme such as that (and so suitable for this time of year --- ahhhh, Spring! Finally!), I had to think of a person who surely adored flowers in all their forms and glory just as much as I do. "Frida's Flora' features that ever-inspiring and passionately iconic artist, with flowers in her trademark uniquely-dressed hair....

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

New 'Nibblefest Art Contest' Facebook Page

Finally! The Nibblefest Art Contest now has its very own Facebook fan page! We're hoping it can become a wee little, centralized Nibblefest 'hub', for artists, fans and spectators alike -- so please consider stopping on over and giving it a 'Like' (the link can be found here...).

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Pencil Portraits

Sketchbook Pencil Portrait

I teach a small art class for middle-grade children, and have a fun and entertaining deal going on with my students right now. If they each bring me their sketchbooks, and a photograph of themselves, I will take their sketchbooks home with me, and return them with a completed, personalized pencil portrait of their photos. It's a fun exercise and good practice for me, plus it always goes over really well with the kids. My main aim is to provide an example, and to encourage them in the ongoing use of their sketchbooks -- but in doing so I'm hoping also to create a nice lasting keepsake for them.....