Sketchbook Pencil Portrait
I teach a small art class for middle-grade children, and have a fun and entertaining deal going on with my students right now. If they each bring me their sketchbooks, and a photograph of themselves, I will take their sketchbooks home with me, and return them with a completed, personalized pencil portrait of their photos. It's a fun exercise and good practice for me, plus it always goes over really well with the kids. My main aim is to provide an example, and to encourage them in the ongoing use of their sketchbooks -- but in doing so I'm hoping also to create a nice lasting keepsake for them.....
What an EXCELLENT idea for everyone concerned! You're so talented!
Its just gorgeous Patience! What a gift you're giving each student. :)
Thanks so much Diane and Tau -- it is really fun for me, and I hope it gives them a little something to remember me and our class by as they grow up :-)...
What a beautiful portrait! It's very realistic and captures the spirit of this young girl.
Thanks so much Shelley. Indeed she is a wonderful student, and a just an all-around lovely young lady, both inside and out --so I really did try my best to do her justice here... :-)
I think this is wonderful!! What a way to teach. Not only are you teaching them but yourself also. I wish we where closer Patience, I could learn so much from you :)
Thanks Tina! Yes, it really does work well, for the kids, and for me -- a win/win all around! And it would be wonderful to live close by -- lots of fun, and i for one would LOVE to accompany you and John on one of your Florida swamp critter stalkings! ;-)
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