Boar's Head #1, at a VIP event |
Been a wee bit quiet in here as of late I know. Despite my lack of recent posts I'm glad to say I've still been creating stuff -- it's just that these last few months were busy with several lovely private commissions that had me up to my eyeballs in elbow grease (besides, as you know me, even though I may come and go out of here at times.., I always, always come back. Eventually.).
Now that most of these projects have been finished up and sent along their merry ways, it's time for some updating....
Who remembers this li'l cutie (well, pretty big actually) from a few years back....?
Vegetarian Pig Head Scultpure Commission, from 2012 |
I was recently commissioned to make another of these guys -- a vegetarian paper-mache "Boar's Head/Pig Head", for a customer in the great state of Oklahoma.
Fun times!
Some progress pics of Pig Head #2...:
Disembodied Boar's Head, in progress: Sculpting the overall shape (as always, Duct Tape to the rescue)...: |
Before attaching his ears, I rmust make sure he will still actually fit into the box I've targeted for re-use as his shipping vessel (He fits!)..... |
Sculpted piggy ears...! |
Ears attached...! Looking more oinky all the time. |
Still, lacking in personality, it's time to work in some detail.... |
Detaila in place, and ready for painting. I began with a nice deep, dark undercoat. |
Lightening him up gradually (plus painting teeth!)... |
Always the fun part, painting ... |
Never complete until the requisite apple is in the mouth. |
And here we have "Piggly Wiggly" in his new owner's Oklahoma home. Happy Customer/Happy Artist! |
And, as with my first papier mache head, I'm happy to report once again that no harm was done in the making of THIS (2nd) Vegetarian Papier Mache Boar's Head.
Pig Head #2 at his recent Medieval/Madrigal VIP special event. |