Saturday, November 22, 2008

My art on ebay for .99...!

The link to my very first ebay art auction, and Nibblefest entry:

I've been intending to mention the Nibblefest Art Contest in my journal here for a long while -- and I suppose since I have actually finally entered it for the very first time, ...ever..., (though I've been meaning to for years) I figure now is as good occasion as any....

Nibblefest (or NFAC, for NibbleFest Art Contest) is a monthly themed contest, whereby artists are invited to submit art auctions, pertaining to the theme, via ebay. All the Nibblest auctions must have starting bids of .99 cents, with no reserve. So, many a bargain to be had there...!

The Nibblefest theme for this month is 'Christmas Trees', so I whipped up this little number as my entry -- a patchwork and folksy 'Evergreen Dreams', painted in acrylics on a 6' x 8' sheet of canvas paper.

Monday, November 10, 2008

The Art of Baking

Baking day today: fresh homemade Pumpkin Biscotti and a savory loaf of Olive Tomato Bread.

(Yeah. Stretching the topic a bit again here perhaps -- but these turned out so nicely I couldn't resist sharing...)

Sunday, November 9, 2008

EBSQ Permanent Account

I'm so excited!

After being a member of the EBSQ online artist community for some time now (6 or so years I'm thinking?), the other day, as part of a Voter's Documentation Photography Challenge hosted by the site (and involving the photograph in my previous entry), I won a permanent EBSQ lifetime account: . This means a personal savings in membership fees, especially over the long term (and note that the lifetime membership account option normally costs $650!). It's been a few days now, but just thinking about it still puts a grin on my face...!

Thanks EBSQ....!!!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Liberty: Use it or Lose it....

I took this shot this morning as I exited my neighborhood precinct upon performing my civic duty....

Power to the People!

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Garden Bounty...

I know this is supposed to be an art journal -- still, if one considers gardening an art, as I do, perhaps with a little stretching this may still be considered relevant...?

My kitchen table, displaying the very last of my garden's haul, picked clean and bare, before putting it to bed for the season. Loving all the colors (not to mention the flavors)....