Wednesday, August 29, 2012

August Nibblefest Update: "Tom's Diner" Ties for First Place...!

NIbblefest Art Contest First Place Award

I was surprised and excited to discover my August Nibblefest Art Contest entry, "Tom's Diner", tied for First Place this month -- what a hoot....!  (Very happy to share the title with the lovely artist, Christine Striemer, AKA CES, who had a truly stunning 'Coffee' themed entry this month).   Thanks so much, Nibblefest....!

In all, I really enjoyed all the 'competition' this go round -- so many nice interpretations on the 'Coffee' theme upon which folks obviously puts lots of time, thought and effort into.  Now that it's over, here's looking forward to the next round of Nibblefest, in September, when the theme is to be 'Cats'.  Well, with a theme such as that, which must surely be one of the most popular subject matters around EVER, I'm hoping for lots of participation in the Contest next month.  I myself am already mulling over some 'Cat' inspired concepts -- which is almost unheard of for me, being the  procrastination Queen that I am, and here we're at least a three full weeks out from the next NFAC, heh.  But a theme like 'Cats' easily conjures up bevvy of ideas -- in any case we'll see how it goes.  (And lastly, a note for anyone reading this who might have a 'Cat'-themed piece he or she has been sitting on....consider throwing your hat in the Nibblefest ring in September -- it's fun (AND addicting)....!)

Thursday, August 23, 2012

My Nibblefest Art Contest entry, a painting entitled "Tom's Diner" -- tribute to the old Suzanne Vega song....

My entry for this month's Nibblefest Art Contest, an original entitled "Tom's Diner".....

Confession time.  So naturally, like most people, I have any manner of personal interests/pursuits, and favored methods of keeping myself entertained.  But by far my most favorite of all relaxing distractions has got to be the age-old activity....of People Watching.  People Watching, how I adore thee....!

If it sounds creepy, I promise it's really not.  Surely I'm not alone in finding the act of sitting back and passively observing the comings and goings of random humanity around me an endless source of fascination....?  I swear I can 'people watch' for hours and never get bored.  But just what is it about it that's so personally intriguing?  I do take casual mental note of folks -- what they are doing perhaps, what they are wearing.  But not in any judgmental way.  Instead it's as with an impartially neutral clinician's eye.  I simply find People, strangers or otherwise, highly interesting creatures..... 

Perhaps I find it so entertaining because I tend to be a visually-oriented thinker, so that all this mental observation might somehow convey for me reams of pertinent information to process, consciously or otherwise.  Perhaps as an artist, drawn to featuring people in my paintings, I'm subconsciously staking out future subject matter.  Or who knows, maybe I was an anthropologist in a former life, lol  -- whatever the case, I confess I'm a relentlessly avid (but discrete!) observer of my fellow humankind....

Which brings me to this month's Nibblefest Art Contest....  As mentioned in my last post, I missed the original August 20th deadline, but was able to make up for it last night, with a 5-Day auction for an original entry entitled "Tom's Diner" (click for auction link).   So who here might be familiar with that old song by the folk-inspired singer/songwriter Suzanne Vega....?  The following is my auction description:


..."Tom's Diner".....

My entry for this month's Nibblefest Art Contest (NFAC), (~the theme for August being 'Coffee') is an original acrylic painting on a 8.5 x 7" found wooden plaque.  "Tom's Diner' is signed on the front, and ready to hang.....

When thinking about 'Coffee' as a theme this month, one of the first things to pop into my head was the song, "Tom's Diner", by the folk-inspired singer/songwriter Suzanne Vega.  I've always been partial to the song, written as it is in sort of a 'stream of consciousness' first person narrative, about a patron hanging out alone in a city diner, sipping coffee while making mental observations of the mundane goings-on around her.  One of these is a woman outside in the rain who spies her own reflection in the window, taking advantage of it to adjust her skirt and stockings.  My entry is my attempt to capture the moment of this little scenario:

"....There's a woman on the outside
Looking inside.
Does she see me?

No she does not
really see me
'Cause she sees
her own reflection....."
(from the lyrics of 'Tom's Diner', by Suzanne Vega)


While I myself don't have time much to hang around in cafes, on those rare occasions when I do I have found them PRIME people watching locales.  I mean seriously, what a hoot!  So perhaps that's why Suzanne Vega's song, which I first heard 20 years ago or more (and can be listened to on Youtube here), has always resonated with me.....

"Tom's Diner", as inspired by the Suzanne Vega tune, "Tom's Diner".....

One more note about this particular piece.  I used for my painting support an old, wooden plaque I'd picked up recently from a second-hand store.  It has an interesting little inscription on the back of it, which will likely prove to be a bit of curiosity to whomever wins it.  The following is a photo of the back of the wood plaque, with my title and signature but also the inscription I discovered written there: 

My title/name/date on the top, with the written inscription in the middle...

An close-up shot of the written inscription (can you read it?):

Love, from Grandma and Grandpa Scharlau :-)

Isn't that sweet....?!  The plaque as I found it was painted a flat canary yellow, with what amounted to a large sticker of a cartoon dog adhered to it.  Apparently a gift to a treasured grandson in the '70's -- but still, not being original art, or heck, even a print, after some pondering I came to the conclusion it would be okay to put the plaque to alternate use.  Though I'm making certain NOT to obscure this sweet little note on the back in any way -- it will remain a part of the piece's history.....

(To see ALL the great art entries in this month's Nibblefest Art Contest, click here)....

In any case, speaking of old artwork, just to reiterate here, in my quest to re-purpose the various second-hand frames and painting supports that I stumble across from time to time, I would be loathe to ever paint over original artwork (that is, unless whatever we are talking about really is TRULY questionable) -- nothing at all like the news I heard only last night on BBC radio.  Has anyone else read about this...???  Apparently a century-old fresco in Spain that had seen extensive deterioration over the years...was the recent object of an amateur 'restoration' by a go-getting elderly parishioner, who took it upon herself to personally  'fix' the damage (click for online article).  Oyyyyyy...!

A damaged fresco (left), damaged yet even further by a well-meaning parishioner! (right)

I mean in a way one has to admire her chutzpah and 'take charge' attitude..., but Ay Carumba!  So yeah, none of that -- I know my limits!

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Nibblefest Started Last Night Without Me, Drat.... thank goodness there is the 5-Day auction option, which I fully intend to utilize....!
(in the meantime to see all the great entries so far this month,
click here)....

I get so annoyed with myself when Nibblefest sneaks up on me -- never mind that it happens pretty much each and every month....!  Oh sure, in the back of my mind I knew the August 20th deadline was fast approaching.  And I did spend a lot of time over the weeks pondering in my head the theme that is 'Coffee'.  Still, with all the hub-bub around here (daughter's first day of public school this morning, and my son home again for his late-summer break) I ended up getting an atrociously late start on my entry this time around.  Like even more than usual.  And despite painting like a madwoman last night, and getting soooo close, in the end I didn't quite finish in time.   So yeah, I blew it -- but oh well, I'll get it completed and uploaded in time for a 5-Day auction tomorrow.  Yay for second chances...!  

In the meantime, for fun, I will upload a summer full of... PIES.   For whatever reason, I suppose mostly due to my usually absent sweet-toothed son hanging around here on break, not to mention all the wonderful abundant fresh fruit at the ready this time of year, these past couple of months I've just had the irresistible urge to bake.  This in spite of our frequently horrible summer heat (though I did arrange my baking around the weather, taking advantage of cooler days here and there).  And  despite most of all the fact that I'm really ordinarily quite a bit the health nut (but I guess we all need to let our hair down once in awhile?).  So who knows what got into me exactly, I've simply found it a really pleasant distraction lately to bake for my appreciative family (while being sure to make up for it with a very healthy low-fat, veggie-laden menu otherwise).....

Here are some of the results of this summer's baking obsession 
(unlikely to win win Blue Ribbons for looks, but trust me, that's some FLAKY crust) :

Strawberry-Rhubarb Crumb Pie (left) and fresh Blueberry-Peach (right)

A Strawberry Glace Pie (Left), and Banana Cream With Leftover Strawberry Topping (left), plus a pile (top) of Cinnamon Twists (cinnamon rolls with a different 'shape')....
Red Raspberry Lattice-Top

Not pie, but still quite yummy: Olive-Rosemary Sourdough Bread....

A straight-up Blueberry.....

A straight-up Rhubarb....

Old-fashioned Apple Pie with Cheddar Cheese Crust (my son's idea to try this).....


Now I promise you, I need to be eating pie just about as much as I need a hole in the head.  So it's probably a good thing I prefer the act of baking them more than the act of actually eating them (one small sliver with a  few bites just to taste, and I'm good.  And hold the ice cream..!).  It's just nice to appreciate my family's appreciation -- and all in good fun....

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Behold, an Original ACEO by Amanda Makepeace.....

'Tree Frog' original ACEO, by the artist Amanda Makepeace

...and... it's mine.  All mine!

I was lucky to be contacted earlier this month by the lovely nature artist, Amanda Makepeace, letting me know I'd won a monthly giveaway via her Facebook Fan Page, Amanda Makepeace Arts, the prize of which being the above original ACEO.  What a wonderful surprise...!  Having long been an admirer of Amanda's art, I was thrilled to hear this good news.  As it stands I am privileged to own another original ACEO of Amanda's, from back when she and I were partnered up for  EBSQ's annual 'Ripped Off' show last year.  We had each created an original ACEO inspired by the other's work (written about in this blog post), which we then exchanged with one another other.  So it's grand indeed to now be in the possession of another of her works....!

Happily Mr. Frog made the long jury via the postal system up north by several states to me safely and soundly.  I snapped a picture of him upon his arrival:

Mr. Tree Frog says 'Hello'....!

And so the little fella joins my other Amanda Makepeace ACEO, 'Dragonfly Nights' (click for her 'Ripped Off entry description), which you can see below.  In any case I say two original works of art by any one artist definitely a Collection of said artist makes -- now here's looking forward to future opportunities to add more of Amanda Makepeace's pieces...!

Don't they make a lovely pair...?

Many thanks again, Amanda Makepeace.....!

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

A Front Page Feature on EBSQ's Website.....

A Screenshot of the EBSQ webpage, featuring my 'To Kill a Mockingbird' guest art journal entry as their Book Arts gallery cover image.....

I was so pleasantly surprised today, when making my daily visit to the EBSQ website, to discover a piece of mine being featured on their front page....! Regular readers may recall my participation in the internet-wide '29 Faces' artist's challenge this past May, and how a goodly chunk of my own challenge Faces were guest entries I painted within the journals of my private art students as inspired by classic literature we had read.  And so it appears that EBSQ is highlighting their Book Arts gallery this month, with a cropped pic of the journal entry I painted based upon the characters Scout and Calpurnia in 'To Kill a Mockingbird") as the cover/link image.  Cool...! 

I'm grateful to be included -- lovely of them to do so, plus I'm appreciating how nicely the warm tones of my piece on the far right and the other two displayed paintings all complement each other on the page.  In any case I definitely did a double take when I spied it there -- thank you kindly, EBSQ.....!