Friday, October 18, 2019

Ruth Bader Wisebird, for the March '19 RESIST SHOW

Ruth Bader Wisebird

Ruth Bader Wisebird (Oil on 6 x9 wood plaque)

Got a little 'splaining to do.  Or, at least some updating to do.  Because I haven't been so very good about updating my little blog here with recent artwork this past year.  But I do like to be sure to do so if for no other reason than my own record keeping, and there's no time like the present.  And so we have here this little piece that I did for  a local art show back in March of this year.   The show is called "Resist" and raises money for a number of local charities (which I had entered in years previously).  This was my contribution for this year, a wee little portrait in loving tribute to our venerable Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, entitled Ruth Bader Wisebird....:

View from the Side

I definitely had fun painting this one (and please don't shoot me if I say it was even a hoot lol).

Hanging in the Resist Show

Thanks to the Resist Show organizers for putting on such a great event.  They put so much time into it and do good works!

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