Friday, October 18, 2019

Two Pieces for the local Myco Show (June '19)

Two new pieces for the local Myco Show (June '19), hosted by The Ivy House Gallery...:

Emily Dickinson Tribute  (Oil on 6x9 Wood Cutting Board)

Sylvia Plath Tribute (Oil on 8x10 wood plaque)
"We Shall by Morning Inherit the Earth..."

Back in the Spring, a gallery called The Ivy House, announced a call for local artists to enter into an upcoming show they were hosting, called 'Myco'....:


I contributed two pieces, both tributes to favorite poets of mine, Emily Dickinson, and Sylvia Plath.  As authors of Mushroom poems I absolutely adore, it seemed fitting to paint their portraits for this Myco theme....:

View from the Side

The Mushroom is the Elf of Plants...:

The Mushroom is the Elf of Plants -
At Evening, it is not
At Morning, in a Truffled Hut
It stop opon a Spot

As if it tarried always
And yet it’s whole Career
Is shorter than a Snake’s Delay -
And fleeter than a Tare -

’Tis Vegetation’s Juggler -
The Germ of Alibi -
Doth like a Bubble antedate
And like a Bubble, hie -

I feel as if the Grass was pleased
To have it intermit -
This surreptitious Scion
Of Summer’s circumspect.

Had Nature any supple Face
Or could she one contemn -
Had Nature an Apostate -
That Mushroom - it is Him!

~Emily Dickinson

(This Emily Dickinson tribute piece is actually a little revisit to an earlier painting I did years past (which can be seen in the heading at the very top of this blog)...). 

View from the Side


Overnight, very
Whitely, discreetly,
Very quietly
Our toes, our noses
Take hold on the loam,
Acquire the air.
Nobody sees us,
Stops us, betrays us;
The small grains make room.
Soft fists insist on
Heaving the needles,
The leafy bedding,
Even the paving.
Our hammers, our rams,
Earless and eyeless,
Perfectly voiceless,
Widen the crannies,
Shoulder through holes. We
Diet on water,
On crumbs of shadow,
Bland-mannered, asking
Little or nothing.
So many of us!
So many of us!
We are shelves, we are
Tables, we are meek,
We are edible,
Nudgers and shovers
In spite of ourselves.
Our kind multiplies:
We shall by morning
Inherit the earth.
Our foot's in the door.

~Sylvia Plath

Emily Dickinson Tribute Painting

I love mushrooms and always have -- to find them, to look at them, to eat them.  
Thus I did have a lot of fun with this theme.

Sylvia Plath Tribute Painting

Thanks to the Ivy House Gallery for letting my participating in their lovely 'Myco' show...!


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