Thursday, September 24, 2015

"Tennyson's Dragon-Fly", My Nibblefest Contest Entry for Sept's "DRAGONFLIES" Theme


"Tennyson's Dragon-Fly", acrylics on a found, 5x7 wood plaque

It's time yet again for the fun that is this monthly art contest.

September's theme is 'Dragonflies', and here is my interpretation.  Another in a series of personal tributes to classic literary poets, this piece is an ode to the famed Victorian English gentleman, Alfred Lord Tennyson, author of the short-but-sweet, 1833 poem entitled, 
"The Dragon-Fly".

Sir Alfred Lord Tennyson is NOT amused.

The following is my auction description...:

~"Tennyson's Dragon-fly"~

My entry for this month's Nibblefest Art Contest (NFAC),  the theme for September being 'Dragonflies', features a portrait painted in loving tribute to the English, Victorian-era poet, Alfred Lord Tennyson. 

Alfred Lord Tennyson, author and British poet laureate hand-selected by Queen Victoria herself, was extremely popular during his lifetime, while continuing to be much admired yet today.  He lived for much of his life in the country, often writing poetry describing the natural world around him.  The following short poem was one written by Tennyson in 1833, which, as part of my ongoing Poet Tribute Series, I used as my inspiration this month (with the first two lines of the poem written along the edges of the painting)...:

The Dragon-fly
By Alfred Lord Tennyson

Today I saw the dragon-fly
Come from the wells where he did lie.
An inner impulse rent the veil
Of his old husk: from head to tail
Came out clear plates of sapphire mail.
He dried his wings: like gauze they grew;
Thro' crofts and pastures wet with dew
A living flash of light he flew

 Using a 5 x 7 found wooden plaque, this original, "Tennyson's Dragon-fly", is painted on all its beveled sides, signed, and ready to hang.....

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

My Entry, 'Percy Shelley: On a Faded Violet,' For EBSQ "State Flowers" Show

"Percy Shelley:
On a Faded Violet"

"Percy Shelley: On a Faded Violet" acrylics on 9 x 6 Oval Plaque

Another show, another entry.  This time, it was the August '15, EBSQ 'State Flowers' exhibit.  EBSQ, the online art community I've long been a member of, once hosted several themed shows each month.  But starting in January '15, this was reduced to a single monthly theme.  August's theme was 'State and National Flowers' -- a throwback to when there was a different flower theme every month, which EBSQ hosted for a decade and which was popular with botanical and still-life artists.  I'm neither of those per se, so if I was going to participate last month, I was going to have to make this single August EBSQ theme work for me....

Side View

The following is my artist statement....:

This painting,"Percy Shelley: On a Faded Violet", is my entry for the EBSQ August 2015 "State Flowers" exhibit.

I've lived in two states in my lifetime, Illinois and Wisconsin.  It just so happens that the official flower for both states... is the Violet.  Even though show participants could have painted any flower associated with any state for this exhibit regardless where they live, I took this wee coincidence as a sign that I had best paint a violet in some fashion or another....

And so naturally, as those familiar with my work know I am want to do (because I am an admitted geekish book-nerd), I looked for inspiration amongst one of my favorite sources:  Classic Western Poetry.  Thanks to the help of a good friend, I found it in this little poem, written as it was in 1818 by one of England's most renowned poets of the Romantic era, Percy Bysshe Shelley...:

On a Faded Violet,
by Percy Bysshe Shelley

The odour from the flower is gone

Which like the kisses breather on me;

The colour from the flower is flown

Which glowed of thee and only thee!

A shrivelled, lifeless, vacant form,

It lies on my abandoned breast;

And mocks the heart, which yet is warm

With cold and silent rest.

I weep -- my tears revive it not;

I sigh -- it breathes no more on me:

Its must and uncomplaining lot

Is such as mine should be.


Being as that Mr. Shelley is best known for his lengthy, verbose Epic Poetry, this wee rhyme might be considered down-right succinct in comparison.  Short yet sweet (or bittersweet in this case), I was moved by the romance and poignancy of Shelley's few, carefully chosen lines (all the more so in light of Shelley's own highly unconventional and complicated personal life....!).  As such I chose to paint a portrait in tribute to this master poet, with a sad, drooping blossom perched dispiritedly upon his collar, and deep melancholy in his eyes.  Though the flower may be faded, I made up for its lack of color by painting the background a brilliant violet hue (one of my favorite colors which sadly I don't often find myself occasion to use), while adding in script the first line of the poem around the edge of the painting.

This piece, "Percy Shelley: "On a Faded Violet...", is my latest in a long series of painted odes in personal tribute to my favorite literary authors and poets....



This piece is actually the 2nd in a wee series of tributes to the Shelley's, my first being a fanciful portrait of Percy's wife, 
Mary Shelley....:

"The Monster's Bath", my little painted tribute to both Mary Shelley, and Mary Cassatt

Mary Shelley, and Mary Cassatt).  

And so, having 'done' Mary S., I guess it seemed timely to, in turn, 'do' Percy S. ...:

My entry, "Percy Shelley: On a Faded Violet"

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

"The Mad Tea", My Nibblefest Contest Entry for August's "TEA TIME" Theme

It's Nibblefest Art Contest Week...!

'The Mad Tea', acrylic on found, 9x6 wood plaque

August's theme is 'TEA TIME'. 

So what's the first thing that comes to mind when YOU think of tea....?    

Yeah, me too.  But of course, the famous Tea Party scene of 'Alice's Adventures in Wonderland' is going to pop up, front and center.  Which it did.  And yet, I was initially a little resistant to the concept, only because, as much as I adore Alice (this being my third in a series of "Alice in Wonderland" tribute paintings), it felt at first maybe a little too....What?  Obvious, perhaps?   But then another idea came to mind.... 

I have long admired the work of American impressionist, Mary Cassatt, with one painting of hers in particular standing out for me.  Known as "The Tea", it captures a sweet little 'slice of life' scene featuring two young Victorian-era women enjoying the quaint custom of a proper afternoon tea.  Particularly striking is the pose of one of the women.  With her straight, 'lady-like' posture, she's captured in the middle of taking a dainty sip of her drink, pinky raised, with the teacup obscuring fully half of her face.  Only her eyes are visible, peeking brightly over the rim of the cup....:

My Inspiration:  "The Tea' (1879), painted by the American Impressionist, Mary Cassatt

I've always loved this Cassatt painting....and so, I decided to do a fun, little 'mash-up' of the two, while injecting plenty of my own personal style, resulting in this wee, loving tribute to them both....:

"The Mad Tea":  Side View showing the painted, beveled edges....

Note that this is actually my third piece in an "Alice in Wonderland" series of pieces.

A couple of years ago, I created a Nibblefest entry for the theme of 'Cats', featuring my own version of the Cheshire Cat...:

'The Cheshire Cat", painted upon a found wooden, cat-shaped plaque

I referred to 'Alice' again a number of months ago, for the Nibblefest theme of 'Books' ....:

"Logical Nonsense", my entry for the Nibblefest theme, "Books"

And now we have what I've titled, "The Mad Tea"...:

'The Mad Tea'


The following is my auction description for 'The Mad Tea" (*MINUS* the glaring error I made writing it (blushing), which I am now unfortunately unable to edit!  Check out and read my auction to see if you can figure out my mistake....):


~"The Mad Tea"~
My entry for this month's Nibblefest Art Contest (NFAC),  the theme for August being 'TEA TIME', features a fancifully painted scene from the timeless classic tale, "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland" (with a nod and apologies to the lovely and talented American impressionist painter, Mary Cassatt...!).

Folks familiar with my creative style know how I love to mix things up a bit in my artwork, all while frequently painting the first concepts that come to my mind when reflecting upon a given theme.  Often this results in fun and interesting "mash-ups", and this month was no exception.  Reflecting upon the theme 'Tea Time' made me think of two classic, historic references -- one literary, and one artistic.  Naturally, the tea party of Alice in Wonderland fame popped into my head (but of course)..., but then so did a sweet, 1879 painting by the American impressionist artist, Mary Cassatt, known as, 'The Tea' (as seen here in my detail photos).  For fun I decided to combine these two entities (all while taking my usual liberties), with this as my result.  Here's hoping you enjoy my entry, "The Mad Tea", this month as much as I did creating it...! 

'Alice in Wonderland' meets Mary Cassatt!  Painted upon a 9 x 6 found, wooden plaque, this original, "The Mad Tea", is painted on all its beveled sides, signed, and ready to hang (Note: This is for a 5-day auction)..... 



Saturday, August 15, 2015

"West Wibbley World": My Entry for the 15th Annual "Ripped Off" EBSQ Exhibit

Last month I entered the annual EBSQ "Ripped Off" exhibit....:

My "West Wibbley World", painted on a 5 x7 painted, found wood plaque

EBSQ's "Ripped Off" show (2015 marking its 15th year) is always a fun one.  Obviously, under ordinary circumstances, blatantly copying or 'ripping off' another artist's work, would be a huge no-no.  But for the "Ripped Off" show, copying is not only sanctioned, it's actually encouraged (with permission of course)! Artists partner up in order to go through each other's portfolios, picking a piece for re-interpreting and putting one's own spin on it (read the show prospectus here).... 

For some reason it's been many a year since I've participated in "Ripped Off".  Four of them to be precise (since I last entered in 2011), and so it seemed high time to take part again.  With luck I managed this round to get partnered up with my good buddy, Vicky Knowles, artist extraordinaire, and inventor of the highly imaginative "Wibbley World', with its cast of assorted unique and freaky-cute characters, like the fellow below, named 'Lunchbox"....:

One of Vicky Knowles' best known Wibbles, the character of 'Lunchbox'

The following was my entry's artist statement...:


"Where Nothing Bad Ever Happens... Happens... Happens... Happens...."...

As a long-time admirer of Vicky Knowles's art and the genius that is her wonderful cast of unique and highly distinctive "Wibbley World" characters, I was delighted indeed for the opportunity to partner up with her for this 'Ripped Off" show..... 

Folks familiar with my artwork know how I like to ruminate upon a theme and interpret how it relates to me personally.  I typically turn a concept over and over in my head until an idea speaks to me -- and often while trying to find some twist of word or visual pun to sort through whenever I can.   In the case of Vicky's art, I meditated for some time on the concept of 'Wibbley World'.  What kept coming into mind for me..., was "WestWorld", the vintage, '70's-era Sci-fi film, written and directed by Michael Crichton, about a pricey adult theme park populated by robots, wherein vacationing guests get to act out their cowboy fantasies in an old, Wild West setting.  Complete with shoot-outs, bank robberies, bar brawls and saloon girls, everything is fun and games -- that is, until the technology goes a little haywire (of course).  Then all hell breaks loose -- specifically in the guise of one particularly menacing, black-hatted robot cowboy, as embodied by the legendary actor, Yul Brynner.  Nothing (and I mean nothin') can stop him once his programming goes rogue. 

It's a film that used to come on TV from time to time in my youth, and I can still remember how it made quite the impression on me as a kid....(Check out the original movie trailer HERE)

And so, I decided to merge the two Worlds, 'West' AND 'Wibbley', ....into one, creating a little personal tribute to both.  Thus, please allow me to present to you, "West WIBBLEY World"... "Where Nothing Bad Ever Happens... Happens.... Happens... Happens".  (Note this is the official phrase of "Wibbley World" (without the repeats of course), which you'll notice is actually really rather hauntingly similar to the "WestWord" slogan:  "Where nothing can possibly go wrong.... Go wrong....  Go wrong.... Go wrong....").

We have featured here one of Vicky's most familiar, beloved Wibbles, known as 'Lunchbox' (her character painted in my own more 'contrast-y' artistic style).  Lunchbox is perhaps a trifle, wee bit alarming here, because his faceplate is lifting off just enough to expose all his colorful mechanical circuitry and wiring underneath, much like in the official "WestWorld" movie poster (included in my detail photos).  As such, it appears our "WestWibbleyWorld" Lunchbox may well actually be a robotic version of himself.  Nevertheless, you'll notice that he still has his precious lunch-pail, and his trusty diaper -- and so at the end of the day, does it really matter...???  Not if it's the alternate reality of "Wibbley World" -- or heck even the alternate-ALTERNATE reality of "WESTWibbleyWorld"...!  (Because when we're talking WIBBLES..., it's all good!)   

**A great big THANKS to Vicky Knowles for granting me permission to play around with her Wibbles -- and all in good fun....!  Please be sure to visit her website here:

"West Wibbley World" Side View #1

"West Wibbley World" Side View #2

"WestWorld" Movie Poster #1

"WestWorld" Movie Poster #2


And..., I'm happy to be able to say my entry won 'Member's Choice'  (1st Place, with a cash prize!) in the contest -- a big thanks so much to EBSQ and all who voted for me...!

'West Wibbley World' wins 'Member's Choice' (1st Place) in EBSQ's contest...!

Thursday, July 23, 2015

"Poe's Tell-Tale Heart", My Nibblefest Contest Entry for July's "SOMETHING HIDDEN" Theme

"Poe's Tell-Tale Heart"

"Poe's Tell-Tale Heart", my wee tribute to the master and his classic suspense story all about 'something hidden' indeed....

Nibblefest time, yet again.  
The Contest sneaked up on me this month, as it does EVERY month -- but even more quickly and more quietly than usual it seems.  I've been very much enjoying a busy summer on my end -- what with both my young adult children visiting here at home, plus extended stays of their significant others, and plenty of other stuff going on.  And so it was I found myself dragging my feet just a little upon getting an entry together for July's theme of "Something Hidden".  Thankfully I wasn't too stumped though.  I managed to conjure up a few reasonably passable literary concepts at first -- stories all about "hidden" subject matter, like "The Secret Garden", and "Treasure Island".  One good friend even suggested doing something with Nancy Drew, Girl Detective (I was a hugely rapid Nancy Drew fan in my youth, as was she), being as that Nancy D. was always on the hunt after some hidden something or n'other.  That would have been fun for sure (and is mentally filed for future reference!).  But it wasn't until dear Mr. Poe and his ultimate in 'hidden' literary 'things' (as in, body parts....?!?) came to mind that I felt I really had something I wanted to sink my teeth into (so to speak).  And so, yet another Poe tribute seemed to be in order (because I never need much arm twisting for THAT)....:

Painted on all sides of a an 8x8 square, found wooden plaque....

I thought a lot about how I wanted to approach this particular composition.  I can be attracted to the dark and the macabre in Life...., while at the same time often finding myself quite squeamish and sensitive.  I think I harbor a touch of superstition too -- as such I always try as a rule not to put too much "negative energy", or whatever you want to call it, out into the world, one that already seems to have more than enough of that as it is without any extra 'help' from me.  And yet I'm not exactly a Pollyanna either... -- thus, this was what I came up with, something that for me felt like a happy medium between the beautiful, and the grotesque (plus a little bit of kitsch.   Because please, as we know I'm all about the kitsch!)...

For fun I'm posting a pic of my initial sketch.  I know not all artists pre-sketch, but I nearly always start with one -- it just helps me formulate what I'm trying to visualize (plus because I'm always working with 2nd-hand or found painting supports, of all different shapes and sizes, it helps me work out spatial elements).   It needn't be a refined drawing for my purposes -- in fact, my sketches are typically extremely rough and 'sketchy' indeed, as seen here.  Just a general outline to see where I'm going is enough....:


A few details aside, not a whole lot of difference between my initial sketch and the end product...:

 The following is my auction description...:


~"Poe's Tell-Tale Heart"~
My entry for this month's Nibblefest Art Contest (NFAC),  the theme for July being 'SOMETHING HIDDEN', features a portrait painted in loving tribute to the much-beloved, classic author, Edgar Allan Poe, and his popular 1843 story of suspenseful macabre, "The Tell-Tale Heart".....

One of Edgar Allan Poe's best known short stories, "The Tell-Tale Heart", is ALL about 'something hidden' -- specifically, the murdered body of the narrator's neighbor, killed in revulsion for his icky "filmy eye", then dismembered and tucked away under the interior  floorboards.   Police come to check out the missing person report, proceeding to sit right above where the body parts are concealed.  The narrator manages to keep his cool..., that is until that pesky, dead, tattle-tale heart starts up -- beating ever more loudly in its clandestine hiding spot, filling the room with dreadful noise.... (I chose to symbolize this particular wee gory detail of Poe's vivid imagination, as him casually showing off one highly unique, ticking time-piece....).  

Here's hoping you enjoy my entry this month as much as I did creating it...! 


"Poe's Tell-Tale Heart"


Happy to say my "Poe's Tell-Tale Heart" tied for First Place in July's NFAC -- 
here's many thanks to all my bidders....!


Wednesday, June 24, 2015

"Dali's 'Stache", My Nibblefest Contest Entry for June's "SURREALISM"

"Dali's 'Stache", My 5x7 June Nibblefest Art Contest Entry

It's June.  Summer is upon us!  And a lovely one so far it is too, which I have been very much enjoying.  Busy to be sure however (very!) -- so much so in fact, that I found myself skipping last month's Nibblefest Art Contest.  Ugh.  With everything else going on around here, I just wasn't quite able to get my act together enough to pull an entry out of my hat, despite May's interesting "Freak Show" theme.  I really dislike skipping the contest (because I know how that can be a dangerously slippery slope!), and so it served to make me especially determined to have something ready for THIS month's "Surrealism" theme.  Thus, we have my June entry:

Recognize this guy....????  (The Eyes Have It!!)

When considering the theme "Surrealism", what pops into your mind...?  For me, I myself couldn't help but think of one of the Surrealist movement's favorite sons (or not, depending with whom you talk), the late/great Salvador Dali.  Dali was probably (in)famously known as much for his side-show hijinks as for his art -- heck, even his mustache had it's very own book...!   

Well, as creative as Dali got with his 'stache, grooming it into ever more outlandish shapes (someone wrote and told me it took him 15 years to train his moustache to grow upwards) even he never took it quite this far (so I did it for him...!).

Painted on all sides of an old, found wood plaque

My auction description...:

~"Dali's 'Stache"~

My entry for this month's Nibblefest Art Contest (NFAC),  the theme for June being 'SURREALISM', features a portrait painted in tribute to a certain late, well-known painter of the Surrealist genre.  Some may recall how Salvador Dali often liked to creatively groom his long, handlebar mustache into interesting silhouettes -- I just had fun imagining what it might have been like to take that particular personal predilection of his to the next level...... 

Painted upon a found, 5 x 7 wood plaque, this original, "Dali's 'Stache", is signed and ready to hang (with the back of the plaque having a small nail hole)......


*To see all the fabulous 'SURREALISM'-themed Nibblefest entries, click here....*


Happy to say my entry tied for 2nd Place in the contest this month!  A big thanks to all my bidders....!

"Dali's 'Stache" ties for 2nd Place Award...!

Saturday, April 25, 2015

"Cosmic Pool Party": My entry for NFAC theme, "SPACE/PLANETS/STARS"

It's Nibblefest week, 
once again....!

April's theme:  


"Cosmic Pool Party":  9.5 x 7.5 acrylic on wrapped canvas

I confess.  
I came dangerously close to missing the Nibblefest Art Contest entirely this month.  Dangerously!  

It wasn't because I didn't care for the 'Space/Planets/Stars' theme -- I actually did like it, since I often find myself painting suns and moons and stars (typically anthropomorphic ones), and figured that could easily be my fall-back if nothing else came to mind.  But the days were flying by, and the 20th looming, yet I still just couldn't seem to quite get myself started.  I was chatting with an online artist friend who also participates in the contest, and she suggested Carl Sagan.  Hmmm, always a soft spot for Mr. Sagan and his "Billions and billions of stars" quote (which it turns out he never even actually said, despite being so famous for it!).  My wheels started turning, and yet....  still I found myself getting caught up in other things here at home, with time slipping away.  Then another online friend suggested a Spock tribute in light of Leonard Nimoy's recent passing.  That idea had me trying to put the two men together in one painting somehow.  Next thing I know, this whole concept popped into mind, on what was only like the day before the contest officially started.  A concept which actually turned out to be pretty darn complicated to execute indeed, oops -- so thank goodness for the 3-Day Nibblefest option...!   Though I generally try to avoid it, I have entered the contest late with a 5-Day auction in the past (as recently as last month even), but this is my first ever  3-Day.  At least there are alternatives for the time-management impaired amongst us....!

Side View, showing the painted edges:

I'm also very grateful to a few online art friends for encouraging me to paint an entry this month when I was so on the fence about it and finding myself very much tempted to simply blow it off altogether.   Thanks, guys...!

"Cosmic Pool Party" -- 'Too cool for you, fool...!' ;-)

*To see all the fabulous 'SPACE/PLANETS/STARS'-themed Nibblefest entries, click here....*



Happy to say my "Cosmic Pool Party" tied for 2nd Place in April's Contest -- thanks to all my bidders.....!

"Cosmic Pool Party" ties for 2nd Place....

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

"Daisy Buchanan", My 'Great Gatsby' Tribute for March's NFAC (Theme: FLOWERS)

It's NIBBLEFEST time...!

March's NFAC Theme: 'FLOWERS'

"Daisy Buchanan", my entry for March's Nibblefest Art Contest 'FLOWERS' theme

My own interpretation of 'FLOWERS'...?
A featured portrait in tribute to everyone's favorite literary poor-little-rich-girl, the fictional (and famously high-maintenance) 'DAISY Buchanan, of "Great Gatsby" fame. 

"Daisy Buchanan", acrylics on a 7" wooden oval plaque....

I adore flowers.  I really do.  Especially right now, knowing that Spring is just about to be sprung.  Those early daffodils and tulips, when they finally do sprout, will be such a sight for sore eyes...!  And yet as much as I love 'em, I just wasn't interested in painting actual blossoms for this month's theme.  I know perfectly well how little else bores me faster than a very literal approach such as that.... 


"Daisy Buchanan", side view

 Instead, I put my thinking energy into famous, flower-named protagonists of popular literary history..., and then this is what sprang into mind.  

Once I had my concept, I figured it would be a fairly straight-forward project.  I mean please, we're taking a Portrait here -- isn't that, you know, kind of like my thing...?  But no indeed.  True to her flighty, temperamental self, Miss Daisy at first didn't want to play ball.   I had to gesso her over completely TWICE before I felt I was heading in the right direction.  Talk about fickle -- two, precious time wasting false starts later (thanks for that!), it finally felt as though she was going to stick around to stay.  After the 2nd false start, I admit I came dangerously close to just blowing the whole thing off -- too frustrating!  Just chalk it up to 'practice' and sit this one out.  And yet I know the hard way that that's a slippery slope best for me to avoid (one month, turning into two, turning into three, and right on down the slide).  Rather, I gave it my best Hail Mary shot, despite the fact it meant missing the official beginning of the contest, on the 20th, and going for a 5-Day auction instead.  Oh well!  Not the end of the world, and better late than never, right...?   Besides I'm actually rather pleased with the way she turned out, so it's all good.

 The following is my auction description:

~"Daisy Buchanan"~
My entry for this month's Nibblefest Art Contest (NFAC),  the theme for March being 'Flowers', features a portrait painted in tribute to a protagonist of the 1925 vintage classic, "The Great Gatsby", by American novelist F. S. Fitzgerald.  Painted on all sides in acrylics upon a 7" wooden oval plaque, this original, entitled "Daisy Buchanan", is signed and ready to hang. 

As usual for Nibblefest, I thought long and hard about this month's 'Flowers' theme.  I knew painting actual blooms probably wasn't going to keep my interest for very long (too straightforward).  Instead, a women's name came into mind: "Daisy"..., as in Daisy Buchanan, everyone's favorite literary poor little rich girl.  Daisy was beautiful, charming and wealthy, so much so that when a destitute young officer from humble beginnings named Jay Gatsby happened to cross her path, he just couldn't get her off his mind (for like, years).  In fact, he went on to create a whole new identity, fortune and persona for himself, all with the soul intention of luring her high-maintenance self back.  The fact that she had impatiently gotten hitched to a powerful man within her own social circle, presented but small obstacle in his mind.  The jilted Gatsby went on to make his own way in life (never mind the legalities), and years later was able to purchase a ginormous mansion smack dab across the bay from his beloved Daisy's house (hmmm, stalker much???)  Every night he focuses upon a glowing green light that shines across the water -- it's the blinking bulb at the end of Daisy Buchanan's dock.  As it says in the book,"Gatsby believed in the Green Light....".  

Hope springs eternal, no...? 

(Included in my portrait is Daisy's green light, which features prominently in the story (plus for anyone thinking my interpretation may be too much of a stretch for 'Flowers', notice the wee roses I included in the lace overlay of her gown)...). 

F. Scott Fitzgerald wrote, "Gatsby believed in the green light...." (But just look where THAT got him.  No ifs, ands, nor buts about it -- she threw him under the bus, big time)....